Thursday, January 1, 2009


People tell me its important to post on the new year. I never could understand how to celebrate the dawn of another year. I still can't. I spent the day in a zoo and the night at home. I didn't party. I didn't want to.

On my first day at college, I had made a friend. He was shy and seemed intimidated. He seemed dazed. I liked him. We talked. We liked each other. Though I steadily made other friends and many many more acquaintances, we still walked back from college and talked to each other. We watched films together. At times, while walking on a sunny afternoon on a deserted pavement, I thought perhaps this was what college was about; sad at leaving my school, I thought this was the bond people talked about. This was growing up.

It was a Wednesday morning. I was late for my classes; at the foot of the college stairs, I met him. He was heading in the opposite direction. I waved, he responded. He was beaming. He came up to me. I was perplexed; he had got through another college and this was his last day in college. He seemed happy. I seemed happy for him. We promised to be in touch. I watched him walk away. Then I rushed to class.

For a year and half, I didn't recall him. I had thought of writing something else. He just came over me. For the past half hour, I have been trying to remember his name. I can't. His face is hazy. The only thing I do remember are his glasses. Am I sad? Not really.

Have a great year everybody.


Anonymous said...

People drift apart, things change. It happens. Sad but inevitable.
Oh well, I hope you have a great year ahead. :)

Butterfly said...

Happy New Year!:-)
May all your wishes come true in 2009...
I understand that the separation from your friend was all the more difficult because it happened so suddenly. But then, that's life...

Butterfly said...

By the way, why is the title of your post '2007'?

Deepali said...

Happy New Year :)

I can relate to the post and also the not being sad bit :) Nicely written.

Dhrubo said...

Ki...I hope so too

Dhrubo said...

Thank you for the wish. It is so because I lost him in 2007.

Dhrubo said...

Deepali, thank you for dropping by. I hope you have a great year.