Monday, December 15, 2008

You the Freshman

We have been inactive. Active again. Then again dormant. Much like the society we live in. We have struggled. We have tried to do our best. And we have failed. Or have we? I really cannot say.
Christmas is around the corner and  cases of euphemised "Fresher initiations" must be on the decline. People are on the verge of ending their first semesters in their respective institutions. Six months in an alien land; Six more months to move on to being seniors.
There is terror around us and we are inclined to blame. It is quite possible, perhaps even logical, for you to dismiss this as mere farce. Why bother now when cases are low? 
Because this is not the end. It will begin all over again. And it will be you, the fresher, who will be the perpetrators this time. You will use the same excuses you thought were unjust; you will discuss with relish the acts of "manliness" you will inflict upon the newcomers. You have already started planning, haven't you? You can't wait for the second semester to end. You first real bout of power. Shelley was wrong I guess. It should have been "If spring comes, can winter be far behind?


Butterfly said...

Enjoy being a senior when you become one.:-)

Dhrubo said...

I am one.

Deepali said...

I hate the whole concept of ragging.